How to Select The Best Acting Teacher For Your Career

So many actors choose their acting teachers for the wrong reasons: either they select one who is less money, offering some kind of deal, located close to where they live, recommended by unqualified sources, they know actors in the class or ONLY because the teacher is or has been a casting director. These are not good reasons for such an important decision.

To make your best choice(s), I suggest this plan:

  1. Research Techniques and Teachers

There are numerous acting techniques and methods. The more popular ones in the United States are Meisner, Strasberg, Adler and Hagen techniques. Most teachers have their own version of the established approaches. Some combine styles and others create their own technique. Investigate to see which one feels like a fit for you – the way you process and create.

  1. Audit    AUDIT: As it relates to acting classes: to be a non-participating observer. Auditors watch and are not allowed to work, ask question or give comments.
  2. Ask Questions
  • number of students in the class
  • * how often you will work in each class
  • * class policies
  • * cost / payment policies
  • * class level(s)
  1. Consider The Teachers Technique and Approach
  • * Does their style or approach make sense and appeal to you?
  • * Is there a technique that the students understand and can apply or is he/she just teaching tricks or giving direction that produces flashy, instant performances?
  • * After he/she works with actors, do you see an improvement in their work?
  • * Does the teacher utilize the class time well: starting punctually, allotting time and giving attention equally to all the students, dealing directly with what is needed and not going off on ego trips or telling too many stories of their accomplishments or bad
  • * Is the teacher constructive and supportive as he/she critiques and directs students?
  1. Teacher Compatibility

Determine if his/her’s personality and style is a fit for who you are and what you need from them for the development  of your craft.

After you audit at least three candidates then make your selection of the teacher who can help make you the best you can be and the one you can see yourself staying with till you get everything you need- before moving on. For commercial and Improvization classes, it can be a few months and for acting it can be several years.

The teachers you choose to train with will be a major influence in the development of your craft and thus will have a strong impact on your career. Don’t be one of those reckless actors who wastes money and time going in the wrong direction. Be in control of your career and those you are assembling for your team. CHOOSE WISELY.

If you’re like to learn more about how Carolyne Barry can help your acting career then get in touch with her here or call 323-654-2212.







